Reservation request

Contact Landhaus Eifelsicht

Luxemburger Straße 46, 53940 Hellenthal - Hollerath, Duitsland - Show on map

If you have questions or want to book a room. You can reach us the following way's, call us at 0049 2482 1259973 or e mail When you send us an e mail we will try to get back to you within 24 hours. If you don't recieve an E-mail within 24 hours, please check you spambox, it is possible that our E-mail has landed there. If please not please give us a call at the above mentioned number.

Your information

Fill out the form below and make a application for a reservation that way and get an answer within 24 hours. If you don't recieve an answer within 24 hours, please check you spambox, it is possible that our E-mail has landed there. If please not please give us a call at the above mentioned number.

Your data

We will send a confirmation to this e-mail address.
So that we can contact you if necessary.